Saturday, November 26, 2005

Newcastle Traffic CCTV Are Cameras Watching You!

Newcastle upon Tyne has become another major UK city to introduce Traffic CCTV cameras.

These cameras monitor vehicle movement, parking and any parking offences. They are a part of a feasability study into the possible introduction of a Congestion Charge and a "Pay per Mile" policy.

The network of twenty nine cameras are being installed by Barrier Surveillance and they relay live video feeds via a radio link to Newcastle's Civic Centre where the councils parking control department monitor and record the video.

The installation of these cameras is ongoing. We have some their locations and logged their GPS positions so you can add them to your in-car SatNav.

-1.61153, 54.97791, "B1307 Saint Marys Place"
-1.59480, 54.98654, "A1058 Stephenson Road"
-1.59892, 54.98273, "B1307 Sandyford Road"
-1.60399, 54.98080, "B1307 Sandyford Road"
-1.60916, 54.98021, "B1307 Sandyford Road"
-1.66402, 54.99354, "A167/A191 Springfield Road"
-1.63004, 54.96898, "B1600 Rye Hill"
-1.63650, 54.97766, "Beaconsfield Street"
-1.61500, 54.97134, "Grainger Street"

Alternatively, you can download the .ov2 file and icon for TomTom by clicking here.

Just copy both files to your maps folder on your SD Card and set your TomTom alerts.

As more cameras come to our attention, we'll update this information.

Information provided by Barrier Surveillance


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